Monday, July 25, 2011

Starting of the week with yumminess...

 Hi All, 

Made a few delicious things since I was last on, but I've become mostly preoccupied with making sorbets, and found out I can make a pretty tasty one!  The first one I made was a watermelon one, after an excellent end result, today I decided to make a peach one and a strawberry one to use up some of the produce that we got on Saturday, and those ones turned out even better.  Here is the recipe for the strawberry or peach one:

1 1/2 lbs strawberries, pureed and strained through a seive,
1 1/2 lbs peaches, peeled pitted and pureed
 2 Tbsp orange juice
2 Tbsp Amaretto
1 cup Splenda
1/2 cup water

Combine water and Splenda and heat over medium until Splenda is dissolved, do NOT boil.  Let cool.  Once cooled, add sugar water, juice, and Amaretto to pureed fruit and chill until cool in the fridge.  Process in ice cream maker about 25-35 minutes, until it reaches a soft serve consistency, put in freezer-safe container and let harden a few hours. Enjoy!

I found a recipe in Joy of Cooking and modified it to be low calorie, since I'm TRYING my best to give up ice cream (one of the loves of my life for sure) and this hits the spot and you can eat a bunch for not many calories.  So I'm hoping I can keep experimenting with finding low calorie substitutes for all of my guilty pleasures, and believe me, I have quite a few!  I'll keep you posted if I find any other miracle recipes.

My other foodie experience today was I went with a friend to the local grocery store with the general plan to find stuff to make lunch with, and we always have a good time there getting distracted by things we've never heard of or things that look good or who knows what.  I really get a kick out of having a partner in crime that also likes to take time and explore what there is and try new foods.  So after about an hour of wandering around, we came back home to make tortilla pizzas, a favorite of ours for the low calorie-ness of it all, and the fact that you can stick just about anything on there with cheese and you're bound to have something tasty.  So our creations are posted in the last pic above, mine is in the foreground, I made a pizza with garlic and herb laughing cow cheese, pizza blend shredded cheese, roasted garlic, onion, heirloom tomatoes and basil from the backyard.  DNA's was laughing cow cheese, pizza blend cheese, green onion, heirloom tomato, and pork chorizo, both were tasty...lunch mission accomplished!

The last thing I have to share from this weekend is a recommendation for a SERIOUSLY delicious dessert I had yesterday in Phoenix, if you are ever in the area!  It can be found at the Four Peaks Brewing Company,, and it is called the Stoutamisu.  Oh my gosh, so this dessert is comprised of chocolate cake, ladyfingers soaked in stout, layered together with this amazing chocolate cream, and of course the chocolate shavings on top don't hurt either!  You fellow chocoholics would truly appreciate this dessert!  It sound's like it would be really heavy too, but it was much lighter than expected but still moist without being soggy and the flavor was spectacular.  You get a hint of the stout, but not any sort of bitterness associated with beer and it makes for a really nice complement to the chocolate cake and cream.  Really, I can't wait to tear into another serving of it next time I get a chance.  We also tried one of their award-winning beers, the Hop Knot (definitely not bad considering I'm not really a beer person) and we tried the pizza (good crust!) and I would definitely say it's worth trying if you enjoy microbreweries and good bar food.

That's all for tonight, more food geekery again soon!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bountiful Baskets!

Hi all!

Today's post is dedicated to this awesome co-op that Anton and I joined called Bountiful Baskets.  This week was our first time trying it and we are already hooked!  For more information, go to  It's a volunteer run program and everybody is encouraged to help.  This morning we went early and helped fill the baskets.  There are about 50 baskets and 8 volunteers and a huge pile of cases of produce but in about an hour every thing is divided up as evenly as possible and everybody comes to pick up their baskets.  The neat thing about volunteering is that you get paid in an extra piece of produce for every person who helps, so we got an extra cantaloupe and pack of these beautiful heirloom baby tomatoes.  This week we split the regular basket with the neighbors, so after splitting up what was in the basket, we still had:

4 mangos (the most amazing I ever ate!)
1 cantaloupe
3 bananas
1 head romaine
2 heads cauliflower
1 onion
4 sweet potatoes
1 pack baby heirloom tomatoes
1 lb strawberries

The amount we paid for all of that was only $8.50!  We also bought 5 loaves of this super tasty nine grain bread (sooo good!) for $10 and 20 lbs of peaches for only $16.50.  So for less than $40 we got a TON of healthy stuff to munch on.  And there are other things offered that we didn't get, like yummy sounding coffee cakes and honey wheat bread and special groups of produce, this week was a Mexican one that looked amazing.  What more can I say, this program is just awesome, and if it's available near you, I highly recommend signing up!  I hope to post pics next time we go to volunteer, but in the meantime check out the website and if you have any other questions, feel free to shoot them my way!

Not too much otherwise today on the culinary agenda, I think dinner with be chicken or steak with an herbed cauliflower mash and sauteed sugar snaps.  Then it we are feeling ambitious we were thinking of experimenting with some peach sojuAlso thinking about trying to make my first granita, so I will let you know next time!


Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

Hi all! After several requests, I'm taking a step towards sharing my foodie adventures even more and set up this blog.  I truly truly hope to post regularly about the things I make, eat, find, etc.  I will beef up the blog in time as well.  In the meantime, sign up to receive email updates on when I post and enjoy the pics I posted so far and if anything looks particularly tasty, feel free to request the recipe!  Enjoy and see you back here soon! -Elyse